How to Take Your Bike on Amsterdam Trains: A Simple Guide

As the cycling capital of the world, Amsterdam is home to countless bike paths that sprawl throughout the great city, often making it the preferred method of transport. However, biking everywhere is not always the best option, and even cyclists need to use the train. If you plan to take your bike with you on a train, you’ll need to know the rules and etiquette for doing so on Dutch railways.

How to take your bike on Amsterdam trains. To take your bike on Amsterdam trains, you will need to observe and follow the various rules and tips as listed below:

  1. Acquire a Bike Pass
  2. Travel During The Right Time of Day
  3. Store Your Bike Properly
  4. Know Where You Are Traveling
  5. Be Respectful
  6. Plan for The Trip

Unlike the United States, the Netherlands, and Europe as a whole, is very accommodating to cyclists. As a result, the number of cyclists often threatens to interfere with regular street traffic. To best accommodate everyone, the City of Amsterdam, as well as the rest of the country, have put certain restrictions and rules in place to ensure that traveling by all modes of transportation is as smooth as possible.

Can You Take Bikes on Trains in Amsterdam?

While there is no one straight answer to the question, generally, the answer is yes. You can take a bike with you on trains in Amsterdam.

However, there are a few rules you must follow if you want to travel with your bike; otherwise you risk being fined or not allowed on the train. Also, if you choose to bring your bike on Dutch public transportation, there are some general rules of etiquette you should be aware of.

1.   Acquire a Bike Pass

The first rule you will absolutely need to follow if you plan on getting on a Dutch train with your bike is to purchase a bike day pass. The pass is necessary for bringing your bike on railways in the Netherlands. If you attempt to board a train without a bike pass, you are likely to be fined or kicked off the train.

Fortunately, there is a way to save yourself the money and skip the hassle of buying a bike pass. Foldable bikes are considered luggage and therefore do not require a pass to travel with. So, if your bike will be a regular companion in Amsterdam, you might consider purchasing a foldable one.

2.   Travel During the Right Time of Day

Rush hour is a time of day no one likes, especially if you ride public transport. The cramped conditions of a train car already make for a tight fit without extra space being taken up by bicycles. In order to improve the travel conditions of their trains during busy times of day, Dutch railways have prohibited all bikes from 6:30 to 9:00 AM and from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.

Fortunately, there are exceptions to the rule. If you carry a foldable bike, you are free to travel during any time of day. The restrictions also do not apply on weekends, during the months of July and August, or on national holidays. So be sure to plan your day around the appropriate travel times or you might just end up with a fine.

3.   Store Your Bike Properly

The last thing anyone wants to do is make a fool of themselves in public. If you are new to traveling by bicycle, or you are not used to Dutch trains, an easy way you can take care to not draw the ire of those around you is to simply ensure that you stow your bike properly when getting on the train.

  • Look before you board. Make sure that you only take your bike on the train cars which are clearly marked with a bicycle emblem.
  • Be considerate of other traveling cyclists. If you are not the first person to store their bike on that particular train car, then you might consider asking which passenger has to get off first, so that they do not have to go digging through a pile of bikes when their stop comes.
  • Secure your bike. Once you have stored your bike in the designated bicycle storage area of the car, you should probably consider fixing your bike in place with a bungee cord to ensure that it does not slide around the train as it rocks back and forth.

4.   Know Where You Are Traveling

Before you venture out into the city, you should first consider where you are traveling and how you plan to get there, as not every train or station will have the accommodations you need.

While most trains will allow you to take your bike, there are some styles of bicycles which are not allowed on specific trains due to size restrictions. Trains traveling to and from Arriva, for example, do not allow recumbent or tandem bikes to be carried.

In addition, you might want to google which train stations you will be using to ensure that there are bike lifts that are capable of fitting all your gear. You may also want to check for delays or for overly busy stations to make sure you will have enough time and enough available space to transport your bike.

5.   Be Respectful

Respect, in many parts of the world, is often worth more than gold. If you are traveling in the Netherlands, a great way to guarantee the appreciation of those around you is to be respectful when transporting your bike on Dutch trains. A simple first step is to remove any bulky items from your bike so that more bikes will fit in the storage area.

Being aware of other cyclists’ stops is also a great way to make a good impression. If a passenger with a bike needs to get off the train, be ready to act swiftly to move your own bike if necessary.

6.   Plan for The Trip

If you are traveling with a bike, you are already likely to be traveling light, but if your journey requires that you take a train, then we recommend that you pack as minimally as possible.

Saddlebags or other bulky items on your bike will not only make your trip more difficult but will also provide less room for others to store their bikes.

If packing lightly is not an option for some reason, be aware that you may not be able to fit your bike on some trains and that bicycle trailers are not allowed on most trains.

Tips and Tricks for Taking Your Bike on Amsterdam Trains

Traveling via public transport always comes with its obstacles. For those traveling with a bike, you might consider following a few general tips, as listed below.

  • Sit close to your bike. This ensures that you will be able to move your bike quickly if necessary and that you will be able to leave the train quickly as well.
  • Keep an eye on your bike. Always be aware of your surroundings to avoid theft.
  • Travel lightly. This maximizes space and ease of travel.
  • Research. Make sure you know the bike storage rules for the particular train line you are using

If you would like to find out more about the rules in the Netherlands for traveling by train with a bike, or if you want to know more information about the schedule, train routes, price of travel, or the accommodations provided at each station, then head over to Holland’s premier public transportation website to get all of your questions answered!

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